Her joy and passion for all things pregnancy and baby shine through. She definitely embodies the “service” element that this vocation calls for being available, patient and present as needed, with no expectations.
I feel her role as a doula—pre, during and postpartum would be a gift and huge help to any family and I would recommend her services as a caring, responsible and prepared professional.”—Alexandra

She not only helped me prepare emotionally for the birth, she also helped me gain more confidence in my own choices and in trusting my body’s ability to birth.
She even worked with my mom, who was present for my birth, to guide her in the best ways of supporting me. When we arrived home from the hospital, Michelle had left delicious home-cooked meals in our fridge, herbs for my sitz bath, had cleaned the kitchen and transported our dog to his sitters! What a lovely way to be welcomed home after such an incredible and exhausting event. I hope that Michelle continues to work with growing families so that others can feel truly supported and loved during this critical time.”—Madeline

When they first arrived in my home, I really struggled with the day-to-day of being a
brand-new mom. With their support and guidance, I developed my confidence — and felt incredibly nourished by their kind attention and advice (as well as the freezer full of food they left behind!).
Perhaps the best part of the whole experience was how much my son absolutely adored them, so I was able to nap or get a break while he happily spent time with them…I am still eating my way through the delicious food. And I will treasure forever just how fabulous you were with Arlo and the rapport you had with him. It made a huge impact on my life and I just can’t thank you enough.”—Christy

I recommend Michelle to everyone who is preparing for or recovering from a natural birth and transitioning to parenthood.
I especially found it useful to talk with her about sibling dynamics, since she has two sweet daughters who obviously love each other very much.”—Elisabeth
“Meine Erwartungen an die Geburtsbegleitung wurden definitiv deutlich übertroffen. Ich kann heute sagen, dass ich die Geburt nicht so gut überstanden hätte, wenn Michelle nicht dabei gewesen wäre. Ich habe in einer Klinik entbunden, die Hebammen waren die meiste Zeit nicht im Raum. Ich wäre also die meiste Zeit alleine gewesen, und das bei meiner ersten Geburt! Aufgrund von schwachen Herztönen des Babys wurde ich die ganze Zeit mit CTG überwacht. Für die Ärzte und Hebammen war das scheinbar eine sehr angespannte Situation, von der ich aber gar nichts mitbekommen habe, da ich aufgrund der tollen Unterstützung von Michelle sehr entspannt bleiben und mich voll auf den Geburtsprozess konzentrieren konnte. Ich hätte, da bin ich mir ganz sicher, ohne Michelle nicht so ruhig bleiben können und ich hätte nicht gewusst, was ich zu welchem Zeitpunkt machen muss.
Sie hatte tolle Ideen, so dass ich mich leicht aus einer unbequemen Position in eine angenehmere Haltung bewegen konnte. Mit ihrer einfühlsamen und bestärkenden Art hatte ich auch immer wieder das Gefühl, ausreichend Kontrolle, Wahlmöglichkeiten und Kraft zu haben.
Die Hebammen hatten einfach weniger Zeit und Geduld, da sie sehr viele Frauen gleichzeitig betreuten. Auch deswegen würde ich jeder Frau eine Doula von Herzen wünschen – oftmals sind die Kliniken so überfüllt oder Ärzte haben wenig Zeit – Michelle war einfach die ganze Zeit vor Ort, dadurch habe ich mich nie allein gelassen gefühlt.
Insgesamt war die Geburt für mich eine sehr gute, selbstwertstärkende Erfahrung, die ich nicht missen möchte und von der ich heute noch langfristig profitiere.
English Translation
My expectations of birth care were definitely exceeded by far. I can say today that I would not have survived the birth so well if Michelle had not been there. I gave birth in a clinic, the midwives were not in the room most of the time. So I would have been alone most of the time, and that at my first birth! Because of the baby’s weak heartbeat I was monitored with CTG all the time. For the doctors and midwives it seemed to be a very tense situation, but I didn’t notice anything, because the great support from Michelle allowed me to stay very relaxed and concentrate fully on the birth process. I am sure I would not have been able to stay so calm without Michelle and I would not have known what to do at what time.
She had great ideas so that I could easily move from an uncomfortable position to a more comfortable one. With her empathetic and empowering nature I always had the feeling of having enough control, choice and strength.
The midwives simply had less time and patience because they were looking after a great many women at the same time. This is another reason why I would wish every woman a doula from the bottom of my heart – often the clinics are so overcrowded or doctors have little time – Michelle was simply there all the time, so I never felt left alone.
All in all, the birth was a very good, self-esteem-building experience for me, which I wouldn’t want to miss and from which I will still be benefitting in the long term.
“I think so highly of the time you spent with our family postpartum, such a sweet magical, peaceful, time for our family. I wish that was how life was all the time. Thank you for making that time so sacred.
Thank you for allowing me to create the sacred, bonding time, laying the foundation for my family I always wanted.”